Monday, January 08, 2007


I think this conversation with Peregrine this morning is a result of him listening to his Winnie-the-Pooh tapes:

Peregrine: I was going to sneak up into the larder and find some honey because I had that sinking feeling in my tummy. And I knew what it meant.
Mama: Did it mean you were hungry?
Peregrine: Yep. Those cupboards are the larder.

Ahhh, I love that boy/bear. (And yes, he really thought I ought to let him eat honey for breakfast. And no, I didn't. Mean old Mama bear!)


  1. That's cool to know what a larder is.

    Didn't you let him have honey on bread for breakfast? Silly old bear.

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Awww, that's cute. Mine has this total fascination with honey on bread lately, it's all he wants to eat.


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