Friday, May 25, 2007

Green is the Color of Hope

Some time ago I wrote about new life springing forth in the garden and the hope it gave to me- hope that Spring follows Winter, and that Life comes out of Death in the upside-down Kingdom. This season continues to be one of healing and hope as we move forward. I wanted to share these garden photos that, to me, are promises of Hope and reminders of the triumph of Life:

Tomato Blossoms


Baby Kiwi


Tomatillo Blossoms


  1. Green is indeed beautiful! Your garden looks very fruitful!

  2. Your garden looks like it is doing so well! My tomatos are so wilty, but I've just recently realized my love for gardening, so maybe I can still nurse them back...

    Also, just last night my son and I were eating blue berries and wondering what color they started, now I can show him this picture! Thanks...

  3. Cool shots! Romans 16:27

  4. I Googled "what color is hope?" and your blog post popped up. Coincidence? I don't think so. I think it's God's direction. I was thinking that yellow is the color of hope but your reasons for choosing green are right on the mark. Please have a look at my current blog post for my take on Hope.


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