Wednesday, January 18, 2012


    We had a dusting of snow this week, a rare treat here in the Pacific Northwest. My kids get so excited and love to go play in it. They say things like "Mom, I think we're snowed in!" and "Have you ever seen so much snow?" I grew up on the prairies of Alberta, so yes, I have seen "so much snow". And then some. I like to tell them stories of how we used to get drifts taller than they are, deep enough to dig caves in. They can hardly imagine it! Someday I will take them to play in some real snow, but until that they'll have to be happy with this. 

Poppy makes a snow angel.
Happy girl!

Raphael rode his balance bike in the snow. In pajama pants. In Crocs.

And Peregrine ran around shoveling driveways. (Lest the 1/4 inch of snow prevent some poor soul from getting out of the house.) Also in pajama pants. With leans underneath.

Our house in it's snowy glory.

And the littlest snow princess, Pearl. She loved it and raced around happily with the kids.


  1. Those are some darlng photos of your children! Naomi really tried to make the best of the snow too. Did your kids see her tv debut? :)

  2. Precious little ones you have there Rebeca. I remember the days of very wet clothes hanging about the house after what seemed like mere minutes of play in our Northwest Oregon snow. Thanks for a peek at those darlins at play. I love it.

  3. I love the pictures!!!! Such cute kids!

  4. We have had much more snow than usual in the last week. Only thing is it is freaking cold out there! We went to a homeschool meet up today to go skating on a pond and by the end of it we were all so cold we just wanted to get home! Can't wait till it warms up enough to enjoy some snow time outside!


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