Monday, July 28, 2008

A Story and a Contest

Vintage Butterfly Apron
(Lovely Mom and Messy House Not Included!)

There are some people who should avoid fabric stores like the plague. People who, for example, already have several totes full of fabric at home. However, on certain occasions people like this might need to pick up some fabric for a special project so they make a "quick run" to the fabric store. (NOTE: There is no such thing as a quick run to the fabric store for this type of person. Just ask their husbands. Or their children. And the brothers of certain people like this may warn them that they will scar their sons forever if they drag them into the fabric store, but they do it anyway.)
People like this, inevitably, while searching for the perfect fabric for their special project, see several perfect fabrics and get inspired to start several other special projects. (And of course, there is no fabric in their totes that would do for said projects.) So they come home with not one or two cuts of fabric, but seven or eight. And a head full of plans for all the beautiful things they're going to make. People like this probably really love to sew, but might not always make time for such creative endeavors in their everyday life. But there is nothing like a trip to the fabric store to kick-start their motivation and remind them of how much they love to sew. 
And after they sew one item, such as a cute vintage apron, they might love it so much that they decide to make another one,  just because. And, if you happen to read the blog of such a person, they may just decide to give away the second apron. Because it's cute. And because they can. And because it may be their birthday, and it's fun give something away on one's birthday. And it would make them happy to share something that they lovingly created with their own hands. 
Does anyone out there share this, uh,love-of-fabric affliction? (Stacy? Erika?) I won't mention any names, as to who this story might be about, but you can take a guess. Leave a comment and I'll enter you to win this apron. I'll be away from the computer this week and will pick a winner next Monday. Have a great week! 


  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I am not talented like you are with sewing, but I have been wanting to make an apron like that for over a year now. Does that qualify? :)

  2. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I suppose I am exempt from the contest, being your sister and all--but it's really cute and I agree with the whole thing-- taking boys to a fabric store, the totes, being inspired and the beautiful mom. Well,my birthday is this month...and i am a pretty messy cook...

    I'm sewing a dress for Jessamyn for her party. Poppy would love the fabric--pink and sparkly! I made a muslin sample and plan to cut the fabric tonight.

    Happy Birthday! I love you!, Alyssa

  3. oh, oh, pick me! pick me! LOL - I loved the story of your "anonymous friend", it was very cute.

  4. Happy BIRTHDAY, friend!!!!!

    Er..... that would be me. With the same love-of-fabric addiction/affliction! All sorts of fabrics stashed away for all sorts of creative projects that I will try to get to... someday. :)

    But I'd LOVE to win such a cute apron made by a cute you with cute fabric! :)


  5. my favorite dress was made out of that butterfly fabric!

  6. Oh, this reminds me back when Gloria made me a wonderful sunflower apron. I wore that thing until it fell apart, but I did cut part of it out to keep as a reminder of long days reading, sweet friends, and lentil. . .and more lentils.

    I meant to call you today, but got busy. Yes, I actually got out of bed today.

    I'll call soon.
    I love you dearly.

  7. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about (you forgot to mention the state-of-denial that these type of people often experience!). However, I do want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! And, I would certainly LOVE to be entered into the drawing! The apron is bee-you-tea-full!!!!!

  8. That'd be me in a scrapbook store, so I can relate.

    Gorgeous apron!

  9. And, Happy Happy Birthday! Many Years! Enjoy and treat yourself (yes, my dear, that means cake!)

  10. Anonymous11:07 AM

    ooo! I love that apron!

    Now that I know how to sew (just finished my girls' dresses!) I am VERY addicted to fabric. The last time I went to wal-mart, I ended up coming back with 9 yards of green plaid so I can make myself another dress. I also find myself getting excited when I get my 40% off coupon in the mail from Joann fabrics. I am now an admitted fabricholic..hehe!

    Your little boy is getting so big so fast! What a cutey!


  11. If your putting names in a jar put your friend Charisse in, but if your picking another way then you can exclude me out since there are many other people who's been here first.


  12. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Happy Birthday to YOU!

    I barely sew, however I am inspired by fabrics and do tend to purchse on occasion thinking I'll do this project or that. Not much of that happening lately, but I did buy a pattern and some fabric to make the girls some nightgowns. Hopefully they will be made before they are 14 ;-)

    I hope you had a great trip!

  13. Beautiful butterfly apron....your mom is so cute!


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