Sunday, November 03, 2013

Boston: USS Constitution

Our second day exploring Boston we ventured to the Charlestown  Navy Yard, which is also part of the Freedom Trail run by the National Park Service. The shipyard was established  in 1800, and actively served the Naval fleet until it was closed in 1974. The kids got to complete a second Junior Ranger program, becoming "Master Junior Rangers" of Boston's Freedom Trail! Peregrine wanted to tell you about it, so I'll hand it over to him! 

The gun deck of the U.S.S. Constitution, which
fought in the war of 1812.
(These were all written and directed by Peregrine G, Esq.)
How'd you like to sleep in one of those?
Dad's at the helm!
Oh say can you see, by the dawn's early light...
"Old Ironsides"
This nickname came up during 1812 when cannon
balls seemed to bounce off the ship's sides and an
unknown sailor cried, "Huzzah!
Her sides are made of iron!"
But they are not really made of iron,
just very strong live oak!
Fencing with the U.S. marines!
 Ship's biscuits were no picnic!
Not a doctor  I'd want!
Raphi finally gets to know the meaning of work.
 Hoist the sails!
(I had a lot of fun but it was hard to keep my balance!)
 What is there to tell here?
Firing real muskets!
 We had to plug our ears for this one!


  1. Very interesting! I used to live near Boston and have been to the lowest deck in Old Ironsides close to 50 years ago. It wasn't as much fun back then. The ship was pretty bare and there were no activities in the shipyard. Sturbridge Village had just opened and was full of costumed people doing historical/ educational activities.

    I think about tall ships a lot. It is amazing that they were still being made in 1900. The Peter Iredale at Fort Stevens ran aground in 1906. That is a little over 100 years ago. Now scientists have sent a probe outside of our galaxy. What will the world be like in another 50 years?

    Thank you for sharing. What a fun blog. Gwen

  2. So fun to hear your "voice" Peregrine!


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