Tuesday, April 25, 2006

D is for Daddy-O

A, B, C, D! Peregrine and I are "playing" with the letter D this week. D was a bit more of a challenge for me, so thanks to Dar and Amy and Stacy at Reforming Motherhood for helping me out with some ideas. Here are some of the things we've done or hope to do this week:

* Celebrate Daddy-O!
* Drawing
* Ducks- Reading about them and walking to the Duck pond to watch them, singing "Five Little Ducks"
* Digging and doing our "Dirt Work" in the garden
* Practicing our "D" verse, Philippians 2:14 "Do all things without grumbling and complaining."
* Talking about and practicing Diligence. We're reading Farmer Boy, and Almonzo's Father told him "When a man undertakes a job, he has to stick to it till he finishes it." I have a boy who's easily distracted, so Diligence is an area we need to work on!
* Dinoaurs! What 3 1/2 year old doesn't love Dinosaurs?
* Making Dip and Dipping carrots and broccoli.
* Do-A-Dots are fun!
* Reading about Dogs
* Lots of great Bible stories- Daniel, David, Balaam's Donkey!
* Throwing Darts- a great thing to do with Daddy-O. (Thanks, Amy!)
* Making dough- play dough or cookies dough (Thanks Stacy!)
* And, of course, talking about Dar and how Dearly she likes Daisies! (Thanks Dar!)

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