Friday, April 14, 2006


        My Grams and Gramps just celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary. Erik and I have been married just over four years and I'm so thankful that we have others who have walked this road together before us. In this time where marriage seems to be a cheap commodity I'm grateful for the legacy of commitment and love that my grandparents have given to us.
        My earliest memories of Grams and Gramps are them coming to visit us in their motorhome. We lived on a farm on the Alberta prairies and they would drive all the way up from California. We would anxiously await their arrival, which for my Mom meant a lot of housecleaning. I remember her making us dust the baseboards and I would promise myself that when I was grown and my parents or inlaws were coming to visit that I wouldn't bother cleaning the house! Finally they would be there and set up "camp" in our yard. My brother, sister, and I would get to take turns having breakfast with them out in the motorhome which was very exciting! I would wake early and sit out on the porch steps waiting for the appointed time. And then breakfast would be so special, English muffins and orange juice and we would listen to Peter, Paul and Mary.
        I always felt it was quite unfair that we lived so far away from them, although we eventually did move somewhat closer. As an adult I've gotten to know them more and I'm so thankful for all the times we've spent together and the things I've learned from them. Together they raised six children and loved many grandchildren and great grandchildren. They've had their share of hard times but have stuck together and valued their love and their family. Gramps has spent countless hours writing stories of our rich family history and compiling photos for us all to enjoy. This, in part, has been my inspiration to keep records of our own family life. Grams keeps a cabinet in their home full of special items that have belonged to various family members. We affectionately refer to it as "The Museum" and I love to look at each thing and hear the stories behind them.
        Erik, Peregrine and I were blessed to spend a couple days with them at their home about a year-and-a-half ago. It was special for my husband and son to get to know these wonderful people and visit this place that means so much to me. Peregrine got to play with Gramps on his tractor and we were able to walk around their property. Grams made us wonderful meals and treated us like guests of honor. They took us to Yosemite for the day and waited patiently while Erik (aka Ansel Adams) took pictures. I hope we can make it down for another visit soon.
        So here's to you, Grams and Gramps! Here's to the last 63 years, and to however many more you (and we) are blessed with. Thanks for loving each other and all of us and leaving us such a wonderful legacy of love.

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