Thursday, June 29, 2006

K is for Kiwi

Our Baby Kiwi Fruit

I'd almost decided that K was a useless letter until my sister reminded me of the word cake. I stand corrected. But seriously, we could almost get rid of it. As I've been thinking of K words I'm struck by how many of them don't actually start with K (Krispy Kreme, Kampground, Kut n' Kurl, etc.) Anyway, here are some things we're doing to learn the oh-so-kool-and-klever (and possibly korny) letter K:

* Make a paper Kite like the kids in India do.
* Practice Psalm 34:13 "Keep your tongue from speaking evil."
* Kick a ball.
* Listen to stories about various Kings from the Bible.
* Talk about (and hopefully practice) Kindness.
* See how our Kiwis are growing.
* Talk about the countries whose names start with K: Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, and Korea.
* Learn about Kangaroos.


  1. I think that "C" could be removed from our alphabet, don't you agree?

    Great list, I especially like the Kites, Kings, and Kiwi parts.

  2. There's also Kai and Kenya, two good reasons to keep the K.

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