Monday, July 23, 2007

The Golden Egg

(Warning: The excited rambling of a city-mama about chickens and such.)
I admit I'm just a little excited about our chickens and the eggs they are starting to lay. Lo and behold, yesterday another lovely little brown egg was found in their coop! And when I fried up the first egg for Erik I was delighted to see it was a double-yolker! Is it not the most beautiful egg you've every seen? The single-yolk egg is from the store and doesn't it look pale in comparison? (And bland, I'm sure!)

And here, just because, is a picture of the two children I love best in all the world:


  1. That is so much fun.

  2. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Wow. There really is a huge difference between the two eggs. Enjoy them :)

  3. There is a huge difference! Enjoy!

  4. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I didn't even know you are pregnant! Congratulations!! I hope you are feeling well.

  5. Congratulations, I've added you to my morning prayers

  6. I don't know how long it's been since I've had a double yoker! How exciting! But yes, there is SUCH a huge difference between store-bought and home-raised! Congratulations on *all* the fertility going on at your house! ;-)

    I just re-found your blog--after my computer crashed in June. Glad to see what's going on with you again!


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