Saturday, July 21, 2007

Simple Things

Our first egg- isn't it lovely?

Here are some simple things that have made me happy and thankful the last few days:
  • Erik watching the kids so that I could go garage sale-ing alone this morning. It's something I enjoy once in a while but it's not quite as fun with the kids along!
  • Coming home to find that Erik had the waffle batter all ready to be mixed up and poured into the iron, which he'd set up out on the deck where we were to eat breakfast. (We have waffles every Saturday morning and Erik nearly always makes them. I'll admit he makes them better than I do!)
  • Peregrine finding the first ripe tomato yesterday! And many, many more on the way.
  • Erik bringing in an egg, the first from our own hens! I can't wait to cook it up for him tomorrow morning, and I'm SO excited that we will be having our own fresh eggs.
  • Watching our garden grow- the tomatillos look like little lanterns and the eggplants like dark purple eggs, peppers in several shades of green, onions popping up through the dark earth.
What are you giving thanks for these days?


  1. First of all for living in Serbia all tho i was complaning about it all the time. My family, our health and of course, the most important, that we are free to express our selvs!

  2. I love the very same things. We don't have chickens, but would like to someday. Just ate our first tomatoes. WONDERFUL!

    Whenever I visit America I always look forward to garage sale-ing with my good friend.


  3. Gorgeous egg, and that sounds like such lovely things are growing and happening around you!


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