Tuesday, October 16, 2007

October Days

Another couple of weeks have gone by without me sitting down to post anything. Life is happening, and I'm living it. What more can I say? Here are some various things that have been going on in our busy lives these days:
  • Erik and I got to go away overnight for our fifth anniversary, which was only nine months ago! We figured we'd better squeeze a trip in before our sixth comes around! We went up the river and stayed in a cabin in the forest. We also did some hiking and explored an old logging road where we had magnificent views of the Sisters' Mountains. It's amazing how just getting away overnight can refresh you!
  • We've been getting involved in some activities with a local homeschool group. Every other Friday the kids get to have open play time at a gymnastics place, and on the alternate weeks a local pool has a homeschool swim time. We're enjoying both the physical activity and the making of new friends.
  • We decided to take Peregrine to AWANA this year, and he's absolutely loving it. He just earned his vest and is busy memorizing verses to earn his first badge. I've wanted to have him memorize Scripture more regularly and this is giving us the structure to do that. It's been kind of hard for me to let him do this, but it helps that they like the moms to come help out in the classes!

  • Speaking of Peregrine, his fifth birthday is coming up in just a few weeks! We always have a costume party for him, so in some of my spare moments I'm working on costumes for the kids. There's also the cake and pinata to be planned! (For those of you who are doing the math about when we got married, yes, he's a honeymoom baby!)
  • And speaking of babies, we are overjoyed that my pregnancy is going well; I'm almost seventeen weeks along and am beginning to feel the first little baby flutters! Thanks so much to all of you who remember us in your prayers.
  • In four weeks we'll be leaving for some family time in sunny Mexico. We're all looking forward to this very much, and I'm already making lists and trying to get things together for our trip.
  • And finally, I'd like to introduce you to my two newest creations, Mrs. Acorn and her little son, who are gracing our fall display (set up by Peregrine) with their presence. I hope to make some more members of this little forest family when I have the time! (Maybe next fall?) I'm still debating on whether or not to give them faces; what do you think?

When I put this all down, it's no wonder I'm tired! And also why I haven't taken the time to blog lately!


  1. Lots of exciting things going on in your neck of the woods, Thanks be to God!

    Enjoy Mexico.

  2. I'm so happy to hear that your pregnancy is going just fine.

    Other good things happening in your life - enjoy!

  3. Anonymous9:15 AM

    So happy for you! And I think I love the acorn people without faces! It does sound like you've been busy.

  4. That's so great! I'm am SO happy you pg is going well. Your aconr people are cute.

    We go to a gymnastics center for free play with homeschool group too. It's so fun. Hannah loves to just run around and be a monkey.

  5. Love the acorn people... so cute!
    Sounds like you all have been quite busy! I'm glad everything is going well, and it is so exciting to hear that you've been able to feel baby flutters!!

  6. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I'm glad that you are doing well! I love the acorn people- you need to sell those! They are adorable!


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