Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Tribute to my Mom

Here's a little tribute to my Mom on Mother's Day. For something slightly more serious click here. I love you Mom!

Don't send a lame Mother's Day eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!


  1. Love it! I really like the one with your mama as a body builder. It made me laugh!

  2. Anonymous8:20 AM

    So like Beca and Josh to start stealing all the attention right at the beginning of the day. How are the rest of us supposed to top this? Well, I guess I can rest secure in knowing mom loves me best... I shouldn't pick a fight because all she wants for mother's day is for us all to love each other! Our mom rocks!

  3. Happy Mother's Day, sweet Rebeca! Many blessings on your day! :)


  4. Very cute!

    Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day yourself. I love your's so full of inspiration! Your kids are darling.


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