Saturday, January 12, 2008

Six Years

On a cold Saturday six years ago, in the presence of God, our family, and many friends, Erik and I joined our lives together in marriage. It was the end, for both of us, of many years of waiting and praying for God to bless us in this way. (I've written about my side of the story here.) And as always, the end of one season is the beginning of another. This season of marriage has been marked with beauty and grace, and, like all seasons, a few trials. Our years together have been eventful; two wonderful children have been added to us and we're awaiting the arrival of a third. We've also loved and lost two little babies through miscarriage. Erik survived cancer, we've moved a couple of times, Erik has changed jobs once, and we've traveled to Canada, Europe, and Mexico. There have been many changes, many challenges, and many, many joys. Our love has grown and deepened, and I've always been thankful that we're walking through this life, no longer alone, but together. God truly blessed us with each other, and I look forward to many, many more years!


  1. Congratulations! May God continue to bless and keep you for many, many more years!

    What a beautiful wedding picture!

    Sending lots of love--

  2. Oh-- I forgot to say--
    I love your new blog design! Very nice.

  3. I can't believe it was 6 years ago! Wow! I am so happy for you. I love you dearly and I miss you lots right now!

  4. Anonymous1:10 PM

    congratulations and I love the new look.

  5. Happy Anniversary and Many Years! That is such a great photo!

  6. Happy Anniversary!

  7. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!

    That's such a cute photo. I love candid wedding photos.

  8. CONGRATULATIONS! What a beautiful photograph! :)


  9. Anonymous1:27 PM

    How funny but I was JUST looking through pictures of you and Erik from your wedding. I kept a few from an email from Alyssa on my hard drive just because it was so beautiful and the pictures so unique.
    Wow, you really have been through a lot in 6 years! But God is soo faithful. I will keep you in my prayers for these last couple months of pregnancy and the birth as well.


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