Monday, December 13, 2010

Appreciate- Reverb10

Appreciate. What's the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? How do you express gratitude for it?

I think I missed a whole bunch of days. It's been busy busy, happy, sad, busy. I entered the magical world of Narnia (the ballet, not the movie), grieved with a dear friend as she held her tiny lifeless baby in her arms, tried to cram a year's worth of visiting with another friend into an evening, shared my enthusiasm for Apparent Project jewelry, cooked meals, soothed owies, loved my family, lost my temper, slept (but not enough), put up our Christmas tree, and appreciated the wonder of it all. 

Which leads back to the prompt: Appreciate. I don't know if there is any one thing I can point to. I think I'm learning to appreciate my son Peregrine more. He is the one that keeps me on my toes, that challenges me at every turn. So often others tell me the wonderful things they see in him, and I need to hear that. I need to grow in my appreciation of the unique character that he is. 

Each year I appreciate my mom more. As I grow in my own motherhood I see how much she poured her life into her kids, how she still does. I see my own selfishness, and I think of how she has given her life, her interests, her self, for the sake of her family. She is one of my heroes. 

I appreciate quiet, in those fleeting moments when it can be had. 

I appreciate my husband; hard working, steady, loving, so good to us. I waited what seemed like a long time for him. He was worth it. I'm blessed.

This post is part of reverb10.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this post... you are sure blessed. Thanks for sharing, & for the reminder to appreciate.



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