Friday, December 03, 2010

Moment - Reverb 10

Brand New

I didn't have to think too hard about this one; the moment our little Pearl was born was probably my most "alive", intense, and wonderful one of the year. If I were never to give birth to another child, it is that moment, when the work is over and your tiny, warm, wet Life is placed on your chest, that I would be sad never to experience again. 

It's a moment of fulfillment; the little one I've grown, waited for, imagined, been sick for, prepared for, labored with all my strength for, prayed for; she is here. She has been placed upon my chest by her Daddy, my Love; he has been the first to hold her, to take her from me and give her to me, all in one motion. It's the end, and yet it is the beginning, all wrapped up in one wonderful moment. There is such a sense of relief, of release, a flowing of love, the weight of responsibility, of exhaustion and exhilaration all wrapped up one little person. There is a flood of joy as I feast my eyes upon this Baby, taking in her features, her dark hair, her perfectly formed mouth. She is all softness and warmth, fresh from my body, no longer within me, but still a part of me, forever. Soft morning light, the light of a spring morning, comes in the large window, and yet I am only aware of Her, of the miracle, the gift, that she is. She cries, the way only a brand new baby does, and I rejoice at the sound of her, this baby whom I have only felt. There is rejoicing all around me, tears of joy, praises and thanksgiving. I am surrounded by the people I love best in this world, and those who love me, all ready to love and be loved by this little child. It is a time for joy, the coming of a child, the moment I first meet my beloved little Brigid Pearl. 


  1. This was such a beautiful post and I'm glad you shared it with us.

    I don't think I have one moment that sticks out from this year...many moments that come to mind, but not just one.

  2. That moment is the best in the world, those are the things I will miss, too. I love that warm, wet baby- there is absolutely nothing like it. (No wonder I couldn't find a moment for the year!)

    Love you, too!

  3. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Absolutely beautiful! YOu are so gifted at expressing yourself in writing. Love your little family much!


  4. Yes, that is the perfect description of giving birth and the first moments of meeting a new life. It was right-on. I too would miss it terribly if I could never experience it again.

    The moment when I felt most alive this year? About a week after finding out we were going to have twins, feeling myself really adjusting to being ready to get things in order and prepared for Two New Lives At Once. I was in the Target parking lot, getting ready to go in and register, and I just felt a lightning bolt of joy tear through me, and I wanted to just throw my arms out and shout, to anybody who was listening, "I'M HAVING TWINS!!!!" I felt energized. I felt up to the challenge. I felt highly favored and deeply blessed.

    That sums up my most alive moment this year.

    God is good, and all of His judgements are right and true and just.


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