Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Community- Reverb10

December 7 – Community
Prompt: Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011?
Community is something I love, something I long for. I've lived in and been a part of it at different levels. Right now I live in a "micro-community" of my own little family, and it takes more effort to build and be a part of a larger community. This year I've grown closer to and more involved in my church family and as I reflect on this it makes me very glad. At times I wish I were able to participate  and serve more, or just be more involved on account of the season of my life with small children. But, there is so much grace, grace for where I'm at and gentle encouragement to keep on going. Some days it's so hard just to be there, in church, but always there is so much support, so many voices of grace. There are hands ready to help grab a toddler or hold a baby or redirect a kid with lots of energy. There is a family that embraces my family and more importantly, there is a mystical communion we share; even when we are not together, I am becoming more aware of how we are all part of One Body. 

I look forward to growing more in communion, in community, with my own "little" family, with my church family, and with everyone who is part of my life.

This post is part of reverb10.

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