Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful: Friendship

Two of my best friends, Shelley and Paula, and most of our kids, the last time we were all together.
Which was way too long ago, I might add!

   Today I'm thankful for good friends. The older I get the more I realize that true friendship really is a gift. I meet a lot of people, enjoy their company, and even have a lot in common with many, but it's more rare that there's that spark that grows deeper into friendship. I'm grateful for those people with whom I can be myself, knowing that I'm fully loved and accepted. For the ones that I may not see often, but when we do it's like no time has passed. For the ones whose houses I can walk into and rummage through the fridge, flop down on their couch and feel right at home. For the ones with whom I can share my struggles, my tears, and my joys. Here's to friendship! 


  1. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I love your children's names! they are so beautiful and unique. Its so special to raise your children together with special friends, they will miss you when you hit the road:)

  2. Thanks! Of the two friends pictured, we already miss each other! One lives in Haiti with her family, and the other is a couple hours away, but with four kids each we rarely see each other.


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