Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thankful: November 13

    Today I'm thankful for our parish and our church family. Our journey toward the Orthodox Christian Church began nearly seven years ago and I'm so very grateful to be where we are. I love the rhythm of the liturgical year and for seasons that shape the calendar for us. I love the history and the sense of connectedness I have with the body of Christ through the ages. I love worshipping in a place of beauty, a place designed to be an extension of heaven. I appreciate that the liturgy engages all of our senses; we see, we smell, we touch and taste and hear. We worship with our bodies, not only our hearts. I love that the church is a place of healing of both soul and body, that we are called to lay aside our earthly cares at the same time that we are being equipped to live on this earth. 

   On a more local level, I'm so thankful for the people that make up our parish. Over the years they've become so dear to me. I love that our children are welcomed to be with us, that we very often receive encouragement about them. I can't count how many times someone has said to me "I love hearing your kids in church. I'm so glad they're here!" That means a lot to a mama of many young, active children! I give thanks for this group of people, this body, as we grow together, struggle together, serve together, and love one another.


  1. lisa buck3:26 PM

    Me too, me too!

  2. Lisa!! Missed you today! Hope L is on the mend soon. Love to you all!


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